Payment Methods Accepted:

We offer the convenience of several payment methods to accommodate your preferences:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • PayPal
  • Bank transfer in USD via SWIFT

Ordering Process:

You can easily place orders in two convenient ways:

  • Online: Utilize our secure server for seamless credit card transactions.
  • By Phone: Contact our dedicated customer service department to place your order with assistance.

Credit Card Orders and Shipping:

For orders paid with a credit card, please note:

  • Shipments will be sent exclusively to the address registered with the credit card company. This measure ensures security and prevents unauthorized transactions.

Enhanced Security Measures:

To safeguard your transactions, may request additional documentation for certain transactions. Examples include a driver's license or a copy of the credit card.

Bank Transfer Instructions:

Customers opting for bank transfer payment will receive detailed instructions upon completing their order.

Confirmation of Bank Transfer:

Please be aware that we await confirmation from our bank regarding the completion of the transfer before dispatching your goods. This process ensures transparency and a smooth transaction experience for all parties involved.